"África es la región del mundo con mayor número de mujeres empresarias. Sin embargo, muchas no tienen el apoyo adecuado para hacer crecer sus negocios".
Based on the October 6th referendum in Kazakhstan, an overwhelming number of voters seem to be in favor of constructing a nuclear power plant; however, amid widespread violations at the polls and ...
The creative economy provides jobs across several sub-sectors, including music, art, cinema, and video games, which generate ...
Less than two years after Brazil was rocked by a coup attempt, a one-man terrorist attack is reigniting the conversation ...
"In the past, we went to work in the United States to support our families, but now we can't go because we are worried about ...
In a historic decision in June 2024, Brazil’s Supreme Court (STF), the highest court in the country, approved the ...
The Confederation of African Football (CAF) announced its decision on the controversial match between Libya and Nigeria on ...
Los novelistas argelinos celebran su lengua materna mediante la escritura bereber, que pasó de ser una herramienta de resistencia a volverse una rica lengua literaria testigo de su crecimiento y ampli ...
Mientras la oposición y la presidenta de Georgia se negaban a aceptar los resultados electorales, que daban como ganador al ...
¿Qué constituye traición según la legislación local y se usa de forma justa en Azerbaiyán? La respuesta está en los detalles ...
Carlos Chi trabaja por el fortalecimiento de la cosmovisión y lengua Maya. A través del juego busca que la niñez de su ...
As migrant deaths in the Mediterranean go unreported, local organizations often handle recovery alone, reflecting the region's silent crisis and a system that fails those fleeing hardships.